Sandra Nuut


Estonian Design Awards 2012—2022: A Retrospective * Uneversum: Rhythms and Spaces * Dear Friend Workshop * Dear Friend Catalogue * Dear Friend Exhibition & Symposium * Acting Things VIII – Silent Negotiations by Judith Seng * Behind the Curtain * Making Public and Publics: Art Publishing in Context * Dear Friend * Windows displays for Tallinna Kaubamaja * Jane Jacobs * Chamber


Como redesenhar um serviço público? / How to redesign a state service? * Publication Uneversum: Rhythms and Spaces * Laseme masinatel magada * About People and Things: Victor Papanek and His Design for The Real World * Järelsõna. Victor Papanek ja tema disainivisiooni levik * Nii veatu, õmblusteta * About The Responsible Object * Need kirjad sinu postkastis * Kuidas ehitada graafiline disaini haridust? * Dear Friend 33 * Kas ainult definitsiooni küsimus? * Dear Friend 22 * Lõpetades kunstiülikooli (pandeemia tingimustes). Intervjuu Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Portfolio Café ekspertidega * Dear Friend 13 * Kirjutada = kujundada * One Playground * Väikekirjastajate kohtumine * Dear Friend 1 * Koolide koolis tuleb õpetada ellujäämist * Kohtumispaik * Signaalid perifeeriast: killud graafilisest disainist * Fairs, Masses, Artist Books and Politics * Coat Story * Objektid lähenevad
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Como redesenhar um serviço público? / How to redesign a state service?

An article about the service design project “Sign me up for military service!” by the Innovation Team (Innoteam) written for the Portuguese design magazine Fazer #2.

Military service between 8 and 11 months is compulsory for all male citizens in Estonia starting from the age of 17. Despite being mandatory by law, many men do not participate. From the outside, the Defense Forces give an impression of a relic from another time: a hierarchical, conservative, and mostly male organisation. Is there a way to redesign the organisation and improve a vital service for the state at a time when the neighbouring country is Russia?

“Sign me up for military service!” is an unlikely phrase one could hear in Estonia until the war in Ukraine started on February 24, 2022. Intriguingly, this is also the catchphrase and programme that the Estonian state service design group, titled Innovation Team, approached the Estonian Defence Forces to develop the process of joining and participating in the military service and “raise the will to defend”. Their task, multilayered and complex, faced a context where if the military service was voluntary, only 10% of young men would sign up for it. (…) Read more here.

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